Breton Proverbs
Sayings of Brittany origin There is no household without domestic fight. Pity without help does little good. He who gets the grace of the women is neither hungry nor thirsty. No saint was ever popular in his own parish. Fire with seasoned wood and work with flexible people are easy. Inside a well-nourished body, the soul remains longer. Five minutes of health comfort the ill one. There is no winter for who has remained in his mother's womb. Sorrow, nobody dies about it. Who follows his head follows the head of an ass. It is easier for the son to ask from the father than for the father to ask from the son. Who loves cats has a beautiful wife. The drunk ones will sober up, but the mad ones will not clever up. Desire of God and desire of man are two different things. Someone else's pain is easy to carry. The dog does not catch further that its leash. Whose end of tongue is sharp, the edge of his head must be hard. Flesh of man - mends itself. ...