
Showing posts from July, 2017

Breton Proverbs

Sayings of Brittany origin There is no household without domestic fight. Pity without help does little good. He who gets the grace of the women is neither hungry nor thirsty. No saint was ever popular in his own parish. Fire with seasoned wood and work with flexible people are easy. Inside a well-nourished body, the soul remains longer. Five minutes of health comfort the ill one. There is no winter for who has remained in his mother's womb. Sorrow, nobody dies about it. Who follows his head follows the head of an ass. It is easier for the son to ask from the father than for the father to ask from the son. Who loves cats has a beautiful wife. The drunk ones will sober up, but the mad ones will not clever up. Desire of God and desire of man are two different things. Someone else's pain is easy to carry. The dog does not catch further that its leash. Whose end of tongue is sharp, the edge of his head must be hard. Flesh of man - mends itself. ...

Faces Proverbs

Sayings about Faces A face that never laughs betrays an evil heart. ~ Basque Proverb Better a red face than a black heart. ~ Portuguese Proverb A brave man is scared of a lion three times: first when he sees the tracks; second when he hears the first roar; and third when they are face to face . ~ Somali Proverb A letter from the heart can be read on the face . ~ Swahili Proverb To know another is not to know that person's face , but to know that person's heart. ~ Chinese Proverb Easy to know men's faces , not their hearts. ~ Chinese Proverb Sorrow is better than laughter, for by the sadness of the face the heart is made better. ~ Bible The face is no index to the heart. ~ English Proverb For news of the heart ask the face . ~ Guinean Proverb Though talking face to face , their hearts are a thousand miles apart. ~ Chinese Proverb Sayings about Faces A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you’re at home. ~ Author Unknown ...

Fingers Proverbs

Sayings about Fingers I may have lost the ring, but I still have the fingers ! ~ Italian Proverb The person with burned fingers asks for tongs. ~ Samoan Proverb Without fingers the hand would be a spoon. ~ Moroccan Proverb He who has long fingers should also have long legs. ~ Swedish Proverb Offer a clown your finger , and he'll take your fist. ~ Dutch Proverb When you show the moon to a child, it sees only your finger . ~ Zambian Proverb Never burn your fingers to snuff another man's candle. ~ Traditional Proverb When you point your finger at someone, look where the other fingers point. ~ Jamaican Proverb Man cannot stir one inch without the push of heaven's finger . ~ Chinese Proverb Five fingers are brothers but not equals. ~ Afghan Proverb No one puts his finger back where it was once bitten. ~ Kanuri Proverb A single finger cannot catch fleas. ~ Haitian Proverb You can't hide behind your finger . ~ Greek Proverb Unfortunate is t...

Tunnel! Proverbs

There is light at the end of the Tunnel. There is a light at the end of the tunnel … hopefully its not a freight train! ~ Mariah Carey For those people hoping for a light at the end of the tunnel , this report reveals the tunnel is still under construction. ~ Anthony Chan No matter what you’re going through, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel and it may seem hard to get to it but you can do it and just keep working towards it and you’ll find the positive side of things. ~ Demi Lovato There is absolutely, 100 percent, a light at the end of the tunnel for anyone who stutters. ~ Emily Blunt Every time I’m shooting a movie I want to kill myself. Because I don’t see the light in the end of the tunnel . ~ Emir Kusturica As a matter of fact, there is still a lot of light at the end of the tunnel . We just have to find a way to get to it. ~ Tyrone Willingham Light at the end of the tunnel ? We don’t even have a tunnel; we don’t even know where the tunnel is. ~ Lyndon B....

Kings Proverbs

Sayings about Kings & Queens If every fool wore a crown, we should all be kings . ~ Welsh Proverb A king’s castle is his home. ~ Traditional Proverb Looking at a king's mouth one would never think he sucked his mother's breast. ~ African Proverb The king inherits a country — the people only hard work. ~ Malagasy Proverb Water for oxen, wine for kings . ~ Spanish Proverb A cat may look at a king . ~ Traditional Proverb Drink water like an ox, wine like the king of Spain. ~ Italian Proverb A crown is no cure for the headache. ~ Dutch Proverb The word of the king is the king of words. ~ Arabian Proverb Seven days king , seven days minister, slave for the rest of your life. ~ Arabian Proverb The multitude is stronger than the king . ~ Tunisian Proverb An unjust king is like a river without water. ~ Arabian Proverb Better a live beggar than a dead king . ~ Chinese Proverb Three are powerful: the Pope, the king , and the man who has nothing. ...

Nature Proverbs

Sayings about Nature Nature hangs out her sign everywhere. ~ German Proverb Nature has given us two ears, two eyes, and but one tongue; to the end we should hear and see more than we speak. ~ Greek Proverb Nature is our mother. ~ Latin Proverb Nature breaks through the eyes of the cat. ~ Irish Proverb Nature is better than a middling doctor. ~ Chinese Proverb A woman gets thirty percent of her beauty from nature and seventy percent from makeup. ~ Chinese Proverb Rivers and mountains may change; human nature , never. ~ Chinese Proverb Experience is a comb which nature gives to men when they are bald. ~ Chinese Proverb Where Nature stops folly begins. ~ German Proverb Speaking comes by nature , silence by understanding. ~ German Proverb Nature surpasses nurture. ~ Traditional Proverb Nature , time, and patience are the three great physicians. ~ Bulgarian Proverb Nature gave us two cheeks instead of one to make it easier to eat hot food. ~ Ghanaian Prov...

Words Proverbs

Sayings about Words A healthy ear can stand hearing sick words . ~ Senegalese Proverb Words  go further than bullets. ~ Malagasy Proverb Wisdom consists of ten parts -- nine parts of silence and one part with few words . ~ Arabian Proverb Mere words do not feed the friars. ~ Irish Proverb Words are but dwarfs, deeds are giants. ~ Swiss Proverb Fine words do not produce food. ~ Nigerian Proverb You have two ears, but you never hear words twice. ~ Surinamese Proverb If your strength is small, don't carry heavy burdens. If your words are worthless, don't give advice. ~ Chinese Proverb Faith and dishonesty are other words for uselessness. ~ Chinese Proverb There are many words that are like salted jam. ~ Turkish Proverb The words of tongue should have three gate keepers. ~ Saudi Arabian Proverb The stomach is not content with nice words . ~ Norwegian Proverb Words die and men keep on living. ~ Jamaican Proverb Cold hearts can find warm words ...

Sun Proverbs

Sayings about The Sun Ashamed of what she sees in the daytime the sun sets with a blush. ~ Armenian Proverb How lovely is the sun after rain, and how lovely is laughter after sorrow. ~ Tunisian Proverb You cannot hide the sun with one hand. ~ South American Proverb Where the sun shines, there is also shade. ~ Indian Proverb Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you. ~ Maori Proverb You can’t use your hand to force the sun to set. ~ Nigerian Proverb Life is like this: sometimes sun , sometimes rain. ~ Fijian Proverb The sun at home warms better than the sun away. ~ Albanian Proverb Don’t stay on the dew until the sun reaches its highest. ~ Indonesian Proverb When the sun rises, it rises for everyone. ~ Cuban Proverb Do not sell sun in July. ~ Italian Proverb Africa is a cold land where the sun is warm. ~ French Proverb A small cloud may hide both sun and moon. ~ Danish Proverb Marriage is the sunset of love. ~ French Proverb ...

Thinking Proverbs

Sayings about Thoughts & Thinking Treat  thoughts  as guests and wishes as children. ~ Chinese Proverb What a man thinks up for himself, his worst enemy couldn't wish for him. ~ Yiddish Proverb Children will tell you what they do, men what they think and older people what they have seen and heard. ~ Gypsy Proverb The thoughtless person buries a well when he is thirsty. ~ Chinese Proverb Keep quiet and people will think you a philosopher. ~ Latin Proverb If you are a fast talker at least think slowly. ~ Croatian Proverb Every man thinks his own thoughts are best. ~ Afghan Proverb Have an open face, but conceal your thoughts . ~ Italian Proverb Darkness and night are mothers of thought . ~ Dutch Proverb Talking without thinking is shooting without aiming. ~ Chinese Proverb If you wish to know what most occupies a man's thoughts , you have only to listen to his conversation. ~ Chinese Proverb Thinking is like loving and dying. Each of us must ...

Moon Proverbs

Sayings about The Moon The stars shine brightest when the moon is gone. ~ Nigerian Proverb The moon does not care if the dog barks at it. ~ Czech Proverb If you have the moon , ignore the stars. ~ Moorish Proverb Sickness comes with a waning moon ; a new moon cures disease. ~ Basotho Proverb As long as the sun shines one does not ask for the moon . ~ Russian Proverb The moon grows darker as it gets nearer to the sun. ~ Tibetan Proverb The moon moves slowly, but it gets across the town. ~ Ghanaian Proverb A woman is like the moon- some nights it is silver others gold. ~ Armenian Proverb Do not buy either the moon or the news, for in the end they will both come out. ~ Saudi Arabian Proverb The moon gives us light but no heat. ~ Russian Proverb The thief hates the moon . ~ Korean Proverb One's shadow grows larger than life when admired by the light of the moon . ~ Chinese Proverb When the moon is full, it begins to wane. ~ Japanese Proverb When th...

Admiration Proverbs

Sayings about Admiration Justice is better than admiration If you are going to kill, then kill an elephant; if you are going to steal make sure it's a treasure. ~ Indian Proverb A fool admires himself most when he has done foolish things. ~ Chinese Proverb A beautiful face is admired even when its owner doesn't say anything. ~ Danish Proverb Everyone admires his own character. ~ Turkish Proverb One's shadow grows larger than life when admired by the light of the moon. ~ Chinese Proverb Better beloved than admired . ~ French Proverb What the eye does not admire the heart does not desire. ~ Traditional Proverb Each day you can admire the moon, the snow and the flowers. ~ Japanese Proverb We admire what we do not understand. ~ Indian Proverb Quotations about Admiration We live by our imagination, our admirations , and our sentiments. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson When we view elevated ideas of Nature, the result of that view is admiration , which is al...