
Showing posts from August, 2017

Sanskrit Proverbs

Sayings of Sanskrit origin Sanskrit language, an Old Indo-Aryan language in which the most ancient documents are the Vedas, composed in what is called Vedic Sanskrit. Sanskrit Proverbs Fear is the fever of life. The wise must be respected, even when the advice they give is not suitable. To quarrel with a man of good speech is better than to converse with a man who does not speak well. A sin that is confessed is less heavy to bear. There is nothing like knowledge in this world. All we can hold in our cold dead hands is what we have given away. Life is a cycle of happiness followed by sufferings and vice versa. A house without a child is like a tomb. Where there is no honey, we have to make do with treacle. Truth has but one color, a lie has many. Take a close look at today, because yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is barely a vision. Wisdom is the right measure of one’s strength. Education is god in the realm of practical world. There are none s...

Pain Proverbs

Sayings about Pain Better  pain  in your purse than in your heart. ~ Sardinian Proverb Short lived pleasure is the parent of pain . ~ Traditional Proverb Love, pain , and money cannot be kept secret. They soon betray themselves. ~ Spanish Proverb A hundred "no's" are less painful than one insincere "yes." ~ Chinese Proverb No pleasure without pain . ~ Traditional Proverb An hour of pain is as long as a day of pleasure . ~ Traditional Proverb The pain is sometimes preferable to the treatment. ~ Indian Proverb To fall is not painful for those who fly low. ~ Chinese Proverb Jealousy is a pain that seeks what caused it. ~ German Proverb Jealousy is a pain seeking its cause. ~ German Proverb One pleasure , a thousand pains . ~ French Proverb Revenge is a confession of pain . ~ Latin Proverb Painless poverty is better than embittered wealth. ~ Greek Proverb If you wake up in the morning and feel no pain it is to be feared th...

Change Proverbs

Sayings about Change To change and to improve are two different things. ~ German Proverb If a woman gets rich she changes into a man. ~ Ghanaian Proverb Against change of fortune set a brave heart. ~ French Proverb A man's heart changes as often as does the autumn sky. ~ Japanese Proverb Popularity is the small change of glory. ~ French Proverb Do not change horses in the middle of the river. ~ Native American Proverb Long absence changes friends. ~ French Proverb The chameleon changes color to match the earth, the earth doesn't change color to match the chameleon. ~ Senegalese Proverb A change of name or place may sometimes save a person. ~ Hebrew Proverb A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will. ~ Spanish Proverb To change one's mind is rather a sign of prudence than ignorance. ~ Spanish Proverb Change yourself, change your fortunes. ~ Portuguese Proverb The wind changes every day, a woman every second. ~ Spanish Proverb Go ...

Being Wise!

Sayings about Wisdom I associate wisdom and grace with age. ~ Christy Turlington Gray hairs are signs of wisdom i f you hold your tongue, speak and they are but hairs, as in the young. ~ Philo The beginning of wisdom is the knowledge of folly. ~ Norman Macdonald When wisdom leaves the house folly enters it. ~ Edward Counsel A wise man fights to win, but he is twice a fool who has no plan for possible defeat. ~ Louis L'Amour Wisdom grows in quiet places. ~ Austin O’Malley Wisdom comes to us when it can no longer do any good. ~ Gabriel Garcia Marquez A wise man may look ridiculous in the company of fools. ~ Thomas Fuller Wisdom no more consists in science than happiness in wealth. ~ Marquis Stanislas Jean de Boufflers Like water in the desert is wisdom to the soul. ~ Edward Counsel I look forward to growing old and wise and audacious. ~ Glenda Jackson Wisdom comes only through suffering. ~ Aeschylus Pain makes man think. Thought makes man wise. Wisd...

Safety Proverbs

Sayings about Safety Better safe than sorry. ~ English Proverb He who builds and he who marries are never safe . ~ Swedish Proverb The one who rings the fire bell is safe . ~ Spanish Proverb The tongue is safe ; even among thirty teeth. ~ Indian Proverb Falling teaches us to walk safely . ~ Dutch Proverb It is safest to sail within reach of the shore. ~ Dutch Proverb The Irish forgive their great men when they are safely buried. ~ Irish Proverb It is better to be safe than sorry. ~ American Proverb Caution is the parent of safety . ~ Traditional Proverb Better a thousand times careful than once dead. ~ Traditional Proverb When there is no enemy it is safe to fight.~ German Proverb With a friend behind you, you have a safe bridge.~ Dutch Proverb That’s a wise delay which makes the road safe .~ Spanish Proverb Quotations about Safety If you don't think it's safe , it probably isn't. ~ Author Unknown Playing safe is only playing. ~ ...

Opposites Proverbs

Sayings about Opposites Opposites  attract.~ Latin Proverb Communism is the complete  opposite .~ Polish Proverb Virtue lies half way between two opposite vices.~ Traditional Proverb The reverse side also has a reverse side.~ Japanese Proverb One man's happiness is another man's sadness. ~ Brazilian Proverb One man's fault is another man's lesson. ~ Maltese Proverb My inclination first leads me in one direction, then in the opposite .~ Latin Proverb Marriage is the opposite to a fever attack; it begins very hot and ends very cold.~ German Proverb Ask for your wife’s advice and then do the opposite .~ Arabian Proverb Quotations about Opposites Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity. ~ Coco Chanel It happens as one sees in cages: the birds who are outside despair of ever getting in, and those within are equally desirous of getting out. ~ Michel Eyquem De Montaigne Every sweet has its s...

Honesty Proverbs

Sayings about Honesty Don't measure your neighbor's honesty by your own. ~ American Proverb He that does not bring up his son to some honest calling and employment, brings him up to be a thief. ~ Jewish Proverb An honest man is the noblest work of God. ~ Traditional Proverb Honesty is like an icicle--if once it melts that is the end of it. ~ American Proverb If you really want honesty , then don't ask questions you don't really want the answer to. ~ Burmese Proverb In the absence of honest men, they made my father mayor. ~ Spanish Proverb Act honestly , and answer boldly. ~ Danish Proverb An honest man is not the worse because a dog barks at him. ~ Danish Proverb A nod of an honest man is enough. ~ English Proverb I know they are all honest men, but my cloak is nowhere to be found. ~ Spanish Proverb When thieves fall out, honest men get their goods back. ~ Dutch Proverb Faith and dishonesty are other words for uselessness. ~ Chinese P...

Differences Proverbs

Sayings about Differences Differences between husband and wife should not be aired in the marketplace. ~ African Proverb Every story can be told in different ways.~ Greek Proverb Vive la difference . ~ French Proverb The different sorts of madness are innumerable. ~ Arabian Proverb Men and women sleep on the same pillow, but they have different dreams. ~ Mongolian Proverb Insanity is doing the same thing in the same way and expecting a different outcome. ~ Chinese Proverb To change and change for the better are two different things . ~ German Proverb To die is to stop living but to stop living is something entirely different than dying.~ Chinese Proverb A different man, a different taste. ~ Greek Proverb Indifference is a generous kind of intolerance. ~ Japanese Proverb We are all Adam's children, but silk makes the difference . ~ English Proverb The difference is wide that sheets will not decide. ~ English Proverb All sails do not suit every...

Speeches Proverbs

Sayings about Speeches The sober man's secret is the drunkard's speeches . ~ Russian Proverb Speech is often repented, silence never. ~ Danish Proverb We must have reasons for speech but we need none for silence. ~ French Proverb Proverbs are the lamp of speech . ~ Arabian Proverb A kind speech and forgiveness is better than alms followed by injury. ~ Islamic Proverb Silence is also speech . ~ West African Proverb Not speech , but facts, convince. ~ Greek Proverb In the young, silence is better than speech . ~ Greek Proverb The public improves the speaker's speech . ~ Iranian Proverb Speech is silver; silence is golden. ~ Swiss Proverb They will be hushed by a good deed who laugh at a wise speech . ~ French Proverb Speech both conceals and reveals the thoughts of men. ~ Latin Proverb Even a soft speech has its own poison. ~ Syrian Proverb Be modest in speech , but excel in action. ~ Chinese Proverb To quarrel with a man of good speech ...