Courts Proverbs
Sayings about Courts
Silent man's words are not brought into courts. ~ Danish ProverbHell and the courtroom are always open. ~ American Proverb
There are three ways, the Universities, the Sea, the Court. ~ Traditional Proverb
Better a friend at court than gold on the finger. ~ Welsh Proverb
Donkeys only come to the court to carry bags. ~ Danish Proverb
In a court of fowls, the cockroach never wins his case. ~ Rwandan Proverb
In his decision the judge with seven reasons gives only one in court. ~ Chinese Proverb
The judge's son goes into the courtroom without fear. ~ Spanish Proverb
Never wrestle with a strong man nor bring a rich man to court. ~ Latvian Proverb
If you have a good case, try to compromise; if you have a bad one, take it to court. ~ French Proverb
They come into the courtroom in a suit and leave with no trousers. ~ Russian Proverb
The court is most merciful when the accused is most rich. ~ Hebrew Proverb
Quotations about Courts
Courts of law, and all the paraphernalia and folly of law cannot be found in a rational state of society. ~ Robert OwenThe penalty for laughing in a courtroom is six months in jail; if it were not for this penalty, the jury would never hear the evidence. ~ H. L. Mencken
Paper napkins never return from a laundry - nor love from a trip to the law courts. ~ John Barrymore
Young lawyers attend the courts, not because they have business there, but because they have no business. ~ Washington Irving
When you go into court, you are putting your fate into the hands of twelve people who weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty. ~ Norm Crosby
There is no such thing as justice, in or out of court. ~ Clarence Darrow
Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondarily on institutions such as courts of justice and police. ~ Albert Einstein
You may juggle human laws, you may fool with human courts, but there is a judgment to come, and from it there is no appeal. ~ Orin Philip Gifford
We believe that if any gun dealer, manufacturer, or gun owners wants to test the law in court, they should be given every opportunity. Arrest them. Put the burden on them to prove the law is too vague. ~ Louis Tolley
The place of justice is a hallowed place. ~ Francis Bacon
This is a court of law young man, not a court of justice. ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes
The court is like a palace of marble; it's composed of people very hard and very polished. ~ Jean De La Bruyere
The foolish and cruel notion that a wife is to obey her husband has sent more women to the grave than to the courts for a divorce. ~ Lemuel K. Washburn
A court is an assembly of noble and distinguished beggars. ~ Charles Maurice
A conscience without God is like a court without a judge. ~ Alphonse De Lamartine
I'll have you understand I am running this court, and the law hasn't got a damn thing to do with it! ~ Sam Ervin
A court is a place where what was confused before becomes more unsettled than ever. ~ Henry Waldorf Francis
Court... a place where they dispense with justice. ~ Arthur Train
The decisions of law courts should never be printed: in the long run, they form a counter authority to the law. ~ Denis Diderot
We should have learnt by now that laws and court decisions can only point the way. They can establish criteria of right and wrong. And they can provide a basis for rooting out the evils of bigotry and racism. But they cannot wipe away centuries of oppression and injustice -- however much we might desire it. ~ Hubert H. Humphrey
Life at court does not satisfy a man, but it keeps him from being satisfied with anything else. ~ Jean De La Bruyere
The courts of kings are full of people, but empty of friends. ~ Marcus Annaeus Seneca