Conversation Proverbs

Sayings about Conversation A good conversation is better than a good bed. ~ Ethiopian Proverbs A single conversation across the table with a wise man is worth a month's study of books. ~ Chinese Proverbs To heaven for the music but to hell for a good conversation . ~ French Proverbs He who begins a conversation , does not foresee the end. ~ Mauritanian Proverbs Conversation shortens the distance, singing lightens the load. ~ Russian Proverbs Conversation is the food of the ears. ~ Trinidadian Proverb Do not make prayer a monologue -- make it a conversation . ~ Saying The nightingale will run out of songs before a woman runs out of conversation . ~ Spanish Proverbs After the rain the grass will grow; after wine, conversation . ~ Swedish Proverbs To quarrel with a man of good speech is better than to converse with a man who does not speak well. ~ Sanskrit Proverbs Conversation is an exercise of the mind; gossip is merely an exercise of the tongue. ~ Saying...